DNA Unraveled

Learn how Galvanic Skin Response and the iTOVi Scanner's technology works.

iTOVi Exercise Guide: Part 2: Creating the Base of an Exercise Plan

Exercise usually takes a little planning. Learn how to create the base of a personalized, effective, enjoyable and sustainable exercise plan here!

The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 6: Supplements & Nutritional Support from iTOVi

Supplements can be an incredible support for your nutritional wellness. And iTOVi can help! But to use nutritional supplements successfully—there are a few rules you should know about. 

The iTOVi Nutrition Guide: Part 2: Balance

Nutritional balance is a great first step towards a healthy life! Learn about the different macronutrients, personalized nutrition, and more!

The Urinary System & Essential Oils

To prevent urinary health issues, we need to take care of our urinary system with solid, prevention-based wellness habits! And luckily, essential oils can help!

Structural Health & Essential Oils

Your bones and muscles are alive! Support your structural health with the right fuel, the right balance of activity and rest, and maybe just a little extra support from your essential oils. ;)

The Brain Power Checklist

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as the hours or even days when your brain is just…not working as it should be.  It may be an episode of brain


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